

Organizational Stucture of the JA Group

Main JA Organization at the National Level

JA-ZENCHU (Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives)

JA-ZENCHU is an organization to represent the entire JA Group. Its main activities are 1) to promote better farming and better living activities of JAs, 2) to give guidance to JAs on their management and organization, 3) to audit organizations, 4) education and public relations activities, 5) farm policy legislative activities, and 6) to make liaison and collaboration with international organizations, and so forth. (HP address: http://www.zenchu-ja.or.jp/)

ZEN-NOH (National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations )

ZEN-NOH is a federation to handle economic businesses of marketing and supplying. Main businesses are the marketing rice, vegetables, fruits and livestock products and the supplying of fertilizer, farm chemicals, feeds, farm machinery, petroleum and consumer articles. (HP address: http://www.zennoh.or.jp/)

ZENKYOREN (JA-KYOSAIREN) (National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives)

ZENKYOREN is a federation that handles the business of what, in general, are called life insurance and non-life insurance. Its long-term insurance include various policies of life insurance and building endowment insurance, and its short-term insurance covers fire insurance, automobile insurance, automobile liability insurance and liability insurance. (HP address: http://www.ja-kyosai.or.jp/)

The Norinchukin Bank

The Norinchukin Bank is a central organization of the JA Banking System comprised of JAs, JA Prefectural Credit Federations and the Norinchukin Bank that handle credit business. Its main business consists of the following two activities: for one, the procuring of funds by accepting deposits from JAs etc. and through the Norinchukin Bank debentures; and for two, the fund management through provision of loans to share holding member organizations and business firms in agriculture, forestry and fishery industries as well as by making loans and investments overseas. (HP address: http://www.nochubank.or.jp/)


  • Objectives and Activities of JA-ZENCHU
  • JA Multipurpose Co-operative and its Activities
  • Organizational Structure of the JA Group
  • Multi-functionality of Agriculture in Japan